2019 The Barefoot Dragonfly, Amy Kreydin - Austin Texas
310 hours completed in study of Reflexology
2019 Raven Moon Healing Arts, Melissa Kleen
Certification in Reiki Healing
2021 On going Sally Kay Lymph Drainage Reflexology - UK
Looking for case study to finish certificate
2022 American Reflexology Certification Board - Tested in Dallas, Texas
Completed Board Certification, awarded ARCB Certification
2022 Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine, Nicole Telkes - Austin, Texas
Completed Community Herbcraft Program
2022 Garden Apprenticeship at The American Botanical Council, Austin, Texas- Andrew Herrick
Completed Apprenticeship
2022 Sacred Moon Women’s Healing Weekend- Beth Ebbing Johnson and Joanne Sanchez of The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
Continued Education on Plant allies
2023 Sacred Moon Women’s Healing Weekend- Beth Ebbing Johnson and Rosemary Gladstar
Continued Education of Herbal Women’s Health and Flower Essence
2023 The Barefoot Dragonfly, Amy Kreydin- Austin, Texas
Completed 4 hour training in Moxa Reflexology
2023 Elderberry Farm, Lisa Ganora - Paonia, Colorado
Completed honey medicine making intensive
2024 Sacred Journey School of Herbalism, Ginger Webb and Lauren Peterson and Caroline Riley- Austin, Texas
Completed Herbal Foundations Program & Herbalist Clinical Theater
2024 Sacred Moon Women’s Healing Weekend- Beth Ebbing Johnson and Dr. Rocio Alarcon of IAMOE Center
Continued Education of Indigenous teaching of Hummingbird Medicine
2024 Life Transition Hosted by ReflexOilogy - Karla Schultz, a LPN and Daria Schank, Online
2024 Reflexology for Addiction and Trauma, Chantel C. Lucier
Completed Level One of Reflexology for Addiction and Trauma
2024 - Volunteer at Austin Hospice Christopher House
Offer Reflexology sessions to patients and staff of the Christopher House, ongoing volunteer position
I walked into my first reflexology appointment a chronic migraine sufferer. This chronic neurological disorder was preventing me from the life I wanted to live, debilitating me for weeks at a time with pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. I had no control over my life.
A combination of things helped improve this, first was having a neurologist that listened and sought to understand my specific needs. Second was implementing a self-care regime that included an improved diet, tracking my menstrual periods, stress management and finding the right body modality the worked for me: Reflexology.
Reflexology helps minimized my migraine symptoms and some months diminishes them completely. I committed myself to this modality and have also benefited in other ways. I sleep better, my digestion is better, I lowered my anxiety, I gained libido, I manage stress better, and have prolonged sense of calm. This is known as sustained Homeostasis. This process did not happen over night, it requires commitment and I continue to get reflexology weekly. I however changed my mindset, instead of looking for a cure I became curious about my condition and things I could control. It took about 6 months to establish what I needed to stay well but when I stuck to that regime, after decades of suffering, my quality of life has improved dramatically.
This positive change in my lifestyle pushed me to study reflexology. In 2018 I started my journey and finished my program in 2019. I then decided to get board certified through the American Reflexology Certification Board. They set the standard of reflexology in the US and are there to protect the public by certifying educated reflexologist that pass the written exam, practicum exam and case study process. This process is something I wanted to do to set myself apart from the unregulated, uneducated reflexology establishments that are every where in Texas. I encourage you to go to the ARCB website or the Reflexology Association of America website to vet anyone claiming to be a Reflexologist in Texas.
Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist
Recognized Professional Reflexology Practitioner
The Reflexology Association of America (RAA) is a nonprofit organization that promotes reflexology’s scientific and professional advancements.
The organization’s mission is to elevate and standardize the quality of reflexology services and education available to the public.
RAA works to unify, promote, and advocate for its members, state reflexology associations, and proponents. RAA’s vision is to create one national movement toward greater excellence, integrity, research and public safety.
TRA Member
TRA is your statewide professional association for Reflexologists practicing in Texas. We are your resource for the practice of Reflexology, and provide a directory of practitioners and schools and links to national organizations and practitioners.
Our services to the students and practitioners of reflexology include, but are not limited to: mentorship, workshops, legislative involvement information, and general assistance to promote our field.
Herbalist Without Borders Business Member
Herbalists Without Borders (HWB) is an international network of herbalists, traditional healers, complementary alternative medicine clinicians, botanical medicine product-makers, trades people, herb growers, farmers, ecologists, students and others interested in the role of plants in primary health and wellness, sustainable agriculture, trade and ecological preservation and restoration.