Weedcrafting is using the plants that are considered to be non-native, invasive plants in your area as medicinal allies. Weedcrafting does not stop at flowers and annual plants that pop up in the spring such as cleavers. It can be an invasive species of trees and shrubs such as Vitex. The benefit of weedcrafting is taking something out of the ecosystem that does not belong there and allowing native species that help your natural ecosystem florish.
As Herbalism gains popularity and plant medicine gains momentum alot of our ecosystems suffer due to the over harvesting of native plants. If you are intrested in Herbalism and making plant medicine it is important to respect the land, animals and cultures of the plants you are harvesting. Use websites such as the US Fish and Wildlife Service for a list threatened of endangered plants. Another great resource is the American Botanical Council which also shares information on adultered botanicals. While I beleive Herbalism is the people’s medicine it is always a good idea to take classes, visit local herb shops, herb farms and network with other herbalist when you start your journey.
Before you harvest make sure you know the history of the land and get permission. Look out for run off drains, places routinly sprayed with insecticide, or that animals frequent for bathroom breaks. Invest in a good field guilde and make sure you have proper idenifaction of each plant before collecting. It is your responsibitly to further reseach and make sure there are no counterindications, it is safe and appropiate for your needs.